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    9 months
    have passed since the creation of  livecoiffure VOD streaming, the training courses website in video and you are already more than 10 000 who like, share, explore the catalogue of videos of the first website dedicated to hairstyling.

    Until now, you were able to discover Christine Margossian and her training courses in VOD streaming, you were informed thanks to the blog.livecoiffure and with the help of our translators, you can now follow the evolution of livecoiffure in 3 languages. During this year 2012, we will keep evolving toguether , sharing, comunicating about the world of the beauty, well-being and hairdressing.

    A small glimpse on these future novelties just for you: new videos of training courses, new trainer hairdresser, free videos, furthermore, you will be able to put on line your videos and your know-how but also the photos of your different creations, haircuts, colors and chignons which you will be able to share all around the world with passionate viewers like you.

    You will discover livecoiffure TV, documents on hairdressing and cultural experiences all around the world without moving, you will just have to plan your time.

    Finally, you will be able to discover a new communication médium available only with your touchscreen tablet. A magazine dedicated to hairdressing, beauty and well-being. This interactive magazine will propose fun and original ergonomics. A rich and qualitative content just like livecoiffure for deep immersion at the heart of the articles.


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