• 3 tricks to put an end to your static hair!

  • It has been very cold for a few days and you noticed that your hair tends to be static? Livecoiffure decided to give you practical solutions in order to fight this polar cold!

    Daphné Malan

  • Understanding the static hair phenomenon

    Your hair suffers from the current temperatures but also from the wind, the pollution and the dry hair. All of that doesn’t help your hairstyle especially if your hair is fine and straight, you are definitely the first victim! Like the principle of a magnet, the opposite electrical charges attract each other and the equal charges repel each other. Everything depends on the elements. Say S.T.O.P. to static hair by using 3 practical tricks to remedy this winter problem…

  • Rule n° 1- The choice of your clothes

    Be careful with the choice of your clothes, your hat or your scarf, the synthetic, acrylic or polyester materials will not your hair's best friend. They conduct electricity so it is recommended to choose cotton, silk or wool materials!

    Also, the dryer is not recommended because the heat will load your clothes with electrons.

    Rule n° 2- Humidify household air

    The heater works a lot and so the air is too dry! The synthetic carpets are also charged in electrons so when you walk on it with synthetic sleepers or socks you recuperate a charge in electrons so your body is negatively charged and your hair is likely to be static!
    It is recommended to reduce these electrical charges despite the cold. Remember to ventilate the rooms the morning and try to humidify the air by putting a glass container full of water on each heater.

    Rule n° 3 – Use the right hair products

    All the weather factor damage your hair which contains a lot of electrons. So you need to nourish and soften it by using a very nourishing shampoo and a conditioner but don’t use them on the ends! It is recommended to not massage too much your scalp during the shampoo and to not use hair products every day!
    Regarding the drying, it is better to use cold air with your hairdryer even in winter or even leave it dry naturally if possible.
    Regarding the brushing, don’t brush too much… and it is better to not use the plastic comb or the brush on dry hair. It is advised to use natural material made of horn, wood or scale. Last trick: spray your hair for a long-lasting effect or apply a drop of serum on your hair.


    TIP: How to discharge the electricity thanks to water?

     You just need humidify your fingers with water and to get near to your dry hair. But don’t touch it. It will lose its electricity.


    So are you ready to tame your static hair?


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