A journey through time for Christophe Nicolas Biot
Our star hairdresser Christophe-Nicolas Biot surprises us again with the eccentricity of his creations, a journey through time for his muses. The tendencies Autumn-Winter 2013/2014 will be crimped, backcombed, accessorized even printed!Liloo Sevan.
[multicol]The hair is previously worked with big rolls as a base with the volume styling lotion Resolut Lift System Professional. After having brushed the hair, backcombed each strand from the top of the neck to obtain an important volume. The latter is then totally put inside, as if you want to create a short bob. Place and fix the hair band with feathers on the top of the head. Finally, the hair at the edge of the border of the face is removed. Mix it with the feathers to give the impression of a circle of hair which flies away. The volumes are worked and fixed with finishing sray Perfect Hold System Professional.***LIKE A FRIDA KHALO LOOK
[multicol]Printed effect - The base: a very smooth bob and put inside, the hair is “polished” with the smoothing cream Satin Polish System Professional. Once finished, put a piece of lace on the hair on which you vaporize a white make-up powder which go through the open parts of the piece of lace. Remove the latter and fix with the finishing spray Perfect Hold System Professional.THE BLUE ANGEL VERSION 2013 On the same hair base as the Marlène version, trapezium totally hemmed with an iron “old-fashion” way, the top of the head is isolated in order to create a “topknot” volume. Both sides are then backcombed to give vokume and held by two plaits from the neck, around the ears and fixed at the top of the head. The volumes are worked with the volume styling lotion Resolut Lift and fixed with the finishing spray Perfect Hold.
CHIGNON - "BONNE FEMME" REVISITED AND CORRECTED The whole hair is crimped then rolled around the head. The top of the head is then hemmed and pulled back. Finally, insert a lower in the hair for a glamour effect. The material is worked with the concentrate of brilliance Exquisit Gloss for a glossy effect and fixed with finishing spray Perfect Hold System Professional.
***KELLY FEMME FOAM HAT WOMAN Hairstyle realized with superposed pastiches. Pull the hair back to have a ponytail very fixed at the top of the head. Put and fix around the tie four long ponytails which were crimped before. Backcomb them and give them a lot of volume in order to envelop both the face and the shoulders. Finnish by putting a last postiche ponytail on the top creating a round volume like a hat. Volumes are worked and fixed with finishing spray Perfect Hold.
MARLENE VERSION TRAPEZE The hair is completely curly with a small iron “old style” way, before crimping all the roots with a crimping iron. After a flat brushing, the top of the head is backcombed with fingers, sprayed and warmed with the iron to obtain an “icy sprayed” effect. The brilliance effect is obtained thanks to the brilliance spray Sublime Reflection System Professional.
[color color="#ce0b41"]Go and see Christophe-Nicolas BIOT the 29 of September 2013 at the Zénith in Paris for the MCB ![intervenant_link id="476"]