• Artistic Director… what is it ?
  • Artistic Director… what is it ?

  • We often hear about the DA –artistic director regarding the pictures which illustrate our fashion magazines. But is that profession ? We obtained answers thanks to a woman, Agnès Verfaillie, artistic director of the professional magazine Coiffure de Paris. Interview.

    [multicol]Agnes Verfaillie-
    Agnès Verfaillie

    Agnès, can you present your profession ?
    Mi profession DA (artistic director) is to transmit messages via images. I’m in charge of the creation of the visual aids relating to the editorial content, photo session, and special dossier of Coiffure de Paris. I’m also in charge of finding photos to illustrate our pages about the tendencies. An artistic director is curious, observer, intuitive. She/he must have a strong sense of aesthetics. On the lookout for novelty, I must say that I’m addicted to exhibitions, museums, and shop windows and of course fashion.
    How are these photo session organized ?
    These sessions are organized before our editorial meeting. We choose the themes according to the artistic current events, the season and the month. From that, I can choose the hairdresser who seems to be the most adapted to interpret each theme. Sometimes, I call on studio hairdressers but also hairdressers in salons. The aim of our magazine is first to give information to professionals about the tendencies they can present to their client. For example, at the moment, the bob is the most fashion haircut, indeed we create images to present it in all its forms. The next month will be dedicated to the brides and the grooms, we will present the new hairstyle tendencies for this event..
    What is your motivation when you create all these images ?
    My motivation is to contribute to inspire our readers, the hairdressers. Creating the image which inspires. I think, for example, to the one of Dessange of the eighties which marked a whole generation and which motivates to open the doors of the salons. This is really my engine! As the fact to propose novelties, invent material effects etc, in order to motivate the hairdressers because those who have success are motivated to pleasure of their clients…
    Christine Margossian
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