• Nail art en Fête
  • Nail art en Fête

  • The nail art is an art. Ladies, think about a personalized manicure for the fiestas !

    Cécilia Gimenez présidente de l'association NAILARTFRANCE

  • Nail art en Fête
  • The nail art is a fashion drawing method which consists in making different decorations on nails. Nail polish, painting, watercolor, gel, acrylic, microballs, foil, diamantes, cashmere, liquid stones, quilted, ethnic, Chinese painting, zhostovo, silk... Many techniques can used.

    For this en of the year, your nails will be your night jewels !!!!

    All the drawings are achieved by freehand. Here are some innovative decorations made by French and foreign artists. You will be inspired by its color, its length or its creative effect according to your outfit.

    See you next year for other nail novelties.

    Happy new year.

  • The followinf artists are:
    Yasint Puyolle/ Espagnole
    Léon Cabriales / Mexicain
    Marianna Sandor / Hongroise
    Delphine Spoor/Française
    Barbara Ujavri / Hongroise
  • Nail art en Fête
  • Nail art en Fête
  • Nail art en Fête
  • Nail art en Fête


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