Focus on an exceptional career.
Christine Margossian

n the years 70 in Lyon, Maurice Melone, hairdresser, met Gérard Cochennec, architect.
Both created various Anglo-Saxon haircut techniques embodied by the iconic Vidal Sassoon. Their French interpretation of the solid geometry became the Plurishape method Maurice & Gérard. The plus of these structures is the glamour touch so French and the possibility of various hairstyles.
Their regional fame made them interesting for the Eugène-Perma company who supported them during their franchise process. After having seduced the public with the first unisex salons, the hairdressers demanded the technical knowhow transmitted. It was the birth of the academy in Lyon.
The number of franchised centers increased, the training centers got more numerous in Bordeaux and Paris.
Since then, the TV channels have been fighting for Maurice as a studio hairdresser. Indeed, Michel Drucker, Nagui, Lepers or even Pascal Sevran only swear by the skills of the Master ! And of course, the same for the artists who want him to take ccare of their precious hair.
It is not unusual that the singers lend their talent to Maurice during hairdressing shows. The show business at the service of the profession and not the contrary, a scoop at the time.
Since then, it’s another business who was interested by the man and his talent: the franchise. Indeed, the creator of the group Vog, Franck Francois, with his 650 salons - Vog Color your Life, Tchip, Claude Maxime – entrust with Maurice Melone the coaching of the trainers in the academies Formul’A.
Thanks to his powerful group, Maurice still participates to the transmission of his passion: the respect of the woman, of the material, the elegance and the precision of a gesture… of a master hairdresser.