Christine Margossian
he Polynesians' hair is of high quality. It is thick, shiny, healthy and easy to style. The hair is a mixture of straight and curly hair which results in this foam aspect even pearled. It is traditionally long even very long ! And this of course implies to take care of it every day. This an ancestral beauty product made in each family: The MonoÏ ! It comes from the maceration of Tiare flowers in Coconut oil.
The coconut oil is one the few oils capable of entering into the cortex of the hair. This is due to its lauric acid content. This fat substance acts outside the hair wrapping it with a protective sheath and inside filling its cracks. That way, the Monoï oil gives strength and shine and perfume your hair with an exotic fragrance with tiare flower accent. Now you just need to wear a flower - or a crown - during the day respecting a precise code: left side, the heart is taken, right side, sign of single situation, flower on the left but visible stem, you might be able to… talk !
How to choose your Monoï ?

For those who don't know the fabrication secret, you always can buy a Tahiti Monoï. It's one of the few products which has kept its original name. The latter is indicated at the back of the flasks which guarantees its origins, its method of fabrication and its properties. It is recommended to check the quantities to be sure of its cosmetics quality.
The Tahitians women are not the only ones to use it. Some men called raerae love it too ! Between men and women, they like to have feminine attractive features. A silky hair, manicured nails ! In the old days, in each family, the eldest son was raised like a girl. That way, he would grow up with girl manners in a man's body often imposing.
Ancestral recipe to make the hair grow faster…
Use three coconuts, grate them and squeeze them. Apply the obtained result on the hair. The texture is creamy like a mask. Leave it at least one day. It is said that after two weeks the hair takes 5cm… that makes you dream, doesn't it ? To be checked.
Photos Christine Margossian