• You know the side car but what about side hair ? It is an asymmetrical style adopted by a lot of celebrities like Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, Jerry Hall Mugler's muse for Angel. Feminine and chic, you can do this hairstyle yourself in only a few minutes.

    success is determined by two periods – now we don't invent much- the 30's and the punk years. During the first period, women highlighted their wavy hairstyle. The well-off women wore down-to-the-neck hairstyle or half long hair. It was the must of elegance !

    In the second period, the success of this hairstyle is due to the punk movement where people shaved a part of their hair while letting the other part long. This difference represented the punk nonconformism and ideology.

    Today, the side hair look is more glamorous, with long, wavy, curly, plaited, twisted or straight hair. But most of all almost natural !

    How to do this hairstyle alone ?

    Easy ! Respecting your natural separation, draw a parting. Gather all your hair on one side.

    With hair slide or hair pin fix your hair up to your neck. Use a hair spray to make sure that it doesn't move. For hair that fall on the shoulders or on the middle of the back, the current fashion is to wear it curly or wavy.

    But the side hair style with long hair has also a relative success and make your hair look healthy. If your hair is not long or thick, you can use hair clip in or skin weft hair extensions.

    You'll have the Red Carpet style!

    Christine Margossian for livecoiffure.com
  • The “side hair” fashion


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