In 2004, Bruno Mocher created his distribution company of professional products designed for hairdressing field. Its name « Generik ».
After having working during fifteen years with two leading cosmetics brands, Bruno Mocher analyses what his clients, the hairdressers, expect.
These craftsmen have been working with providers since the 80’s: marketing, communication, training and management. Classical motivations of seminaries and other gifts offered after the achievement of a certain number of objectives would have bored the hairdressers who have more specific requests regarding the price!
Fair enough, Bruno Mocher imagines a fabrication and a sale of products for which he simply removes all that goes around that product.
That is to say the packaging, the communication, the sales force, the training… the price.
An ease of ordering via internet and a twenty-four delivery for any order registered before midday the day before!
Generik considers that his clients, professionals, buy their haircolor with full knowledge of the chemistry and so that, they can use the colourants and other products by referring to their certified training.
At the moment, Generik has a turnover of 5,2 million Euros with 12000 salons clients. Bruno Mocher is convinced he did a favor to hairdressers regarding their results. Some of them are reported to have said to him that without this opportunity of “low-cost” products, they couldn’t have survived!
Beautiful reward for this company which is in the top hundred of the future companies ( source magazine of the company).
Liloo Sevan pour LiveCoiffure
Showroom GENERIK
23 rue Taitbout - 75009 PARIS