• Nettle: a stinging hair remedy !
  • Nettle: a stinging hair remedy !

  • Nettle, from its Latin name Urtica dioica is a real hair miracle ! Indeed, this stinging plant unpleasant at first, stimulates the hair growth fighting against the testosterone, responsible for hair loss (among other things). Discover the other effects of this stinging plant and how to use it like a hair remedy.
    Sara Svati

    Why nettle ?

    The stinging nettle is a natural hair fortifier which is rich in minerals -sulfur, iron, silica, calcium, potassium- but also vitamins -A and C- which contribute to reinforce the hair fiber. It regulates the sebum but also the greasy hair and reduces the quantity of dandruff.
    This stingy plant helps also to fight against hair loss.


    Against hair loss

    Start to pick nettles with gloves so you get stung. Wash the roots and chop them. This can look like to a recipe but ¡ it is for the hair !
    Cook the roots about in about 500 ml vinegar.
    Wait until the preparation is cold and put it in a bottle.
    Rub your hair every evening with that mixture so that it can penetrate well and favor the bloodstream.
    You can also apply it on dry hair during one hour and rinse with warm water.
    Other possible recipe, take about thirty grams of nettle that you have filtered in 500 ml of water.
    Mix the mixture with cider vinegar. Apply the preparation on the hair without rubbing it after your shampoo and rinse.
    The cider vinegar is very rich in phosphor, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, fluorine and iron which contribute to its energizing and curative power.
    It contains also an important quantity of potassium and essential acids.
    Résult: This mixture will give strength and brilliance to your hair.

    Against greasy hair

    Contrary to the recipe against hair loss, this time you use the nettle leaves and not the roots.
    Prepare an infusion mixing the leaves in 200 ml of boiling water during about twenty minutes. Add two tablespoons of green clay powder and mix until you obtain a solid texture.
    Apply the preparation on the scalp and the lengths. Rub your hair a few minutes then wait and rinse.
    Résult: The nettle will eliminate the additional sebum and make the hair shine.


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