THE BRAID – Still very trendy this summer !
This is pretty, practical…. And above all TRENDY!
Today, we focus on one of the oldest hairstyles in the world… Indeed, the first braid hairstyles date back to the prehistory as demonstrated by the venus of Brassempouy statuettes or even the Venus of Willendorf , wich date back to more than 20 000 years B.C. The braid is thus timeless and can be worn on all occasions. Depending on your style and your wishes: Perfect for the beach, chic for your summer nights and casual during the day.
Even the stars have adopted it for a very romantic, chic….look. Here comes our flash selection:
Pocahontas Version
The ear braid
Vestal Version
Hair-band braid
Bohemian Version
Side braid
Find all our videos on the braids hairstyles in the training courses section